
For Parents

Let me share this awesome site I found for first time parents. I’m not a mom yet but I am so certain this site would be truly helpful when we will have our own baby. Anyway, the site I’ve been telling is

Parentricity is a social network that was created that aims to help first parents find informative stuffs such as product reviews, advice, experiences from other parents too. It’s an exchange of information from one parent to another. So you could be sure that each product reviews are real and safe as it comes from real parents who actually used the products to their own kids.

I visited the site a while ago and I assimilated a lot from their advice section. Actually I got hooked reading everything. People there are so kind in giving advices. Another thing that interests me, they have a section for books reviews. It would be very helpful to parents who are looking for books for their kids or for themselves Instead of going to the bookstore, read their review first to be inform on what book to get that would be time saving. is like you're well experienced parent that will help you in finding good products for your kids. So if you are a first time parent or just looking for somthing for your kids, do visit their site to know what I mean.