Enjoying Life and the goodness it' offers..Life really Rocks!!!
Tagged by Alpha. Thanks for this sis.
As of this moment, while doing this meme, I am doing tons of laundry. Tiring it is but hey I love the scent of fresh laundry so it's a bit rewarding after I finish everything.
This meme is pretty simple.Here are the rules:
1.) List down the household chores you hate and why. Do you think you can survive without helpers and nannies?
2.) Copy the image.
3.) Tag as many girlfriends you want, the daddies and hubbies can also join.
4.) Add your blog’s link in the domesticated divas linky love. You can add all your blogs.
5.) Leave ME a comment and I’ll add you up in the masterlist.
DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Living the Healthy Life /Sripe&Yellow /Vanity Kit /Mind Bubbles /Something Purple /Em’s Detour /Me,Myself+2 /Kidd Designs /FunFierceFabulous /Ozzy’s Mom /Insights from the Grocer /Living A’ La Mode God’s Best Gift/ MommyAllehs Up-Close And My Precious Niche /Just Me.. Eds/ Eds Mommy Life/ Mommy Talks/ Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps /All Kinds of Me Stuff /The Salad Caper /Winding Creek Circle /InkBabyStudios /My Happy Place /Iam Dzoi /Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy /Me and Mine/ Little Peanut /Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod/ Sugarmagnolias /Notable Bistro/ Around the World /All Things Me /Because Life Is Fun/ Feels Like Home /Startin' A New Life /Startin' A New Life Too /YOUR BLOG HERE
~~~END COPY~~~
My List:Actually, I am lucky because my mom lives at the next door, so during weekdays, she just clean our mess in the morning. We only have a small house, so it's easier for her to clean stuffs. During weekend, I do the cooking. I love cooking and baking but I hate cleaning my mess, hahaha. I hate cleaning the bathroom so my hubby do that. I love do the laundry if and only if, there's a washing machine. I tried washing clothes, the small one only with my own hands and it so difficult hahaha.
Hmmm...I guess thats about it, the rest of the housechores are the one I really love doing. :)
Now, I am tagging ever loving mom sheng, new found blog friend karen, Food Lover Ayen & cooking diva in the making Odette