Here's what you gotta do:
It's so simple.
Copy the photo below then write your blog and your wish this Christmas 2008. Your wish has to be something PRICELESS and SELF- LESS... something that money can't buy... something that another person will treasure dearly.
1. Bits and Pieces by Jan :: I wish Gino and I will be able to convince friends to help us sponsor a simple Christmas party for the children of White Cross Children's Home in San Juan.
2. The Wifey Diaries by Jannesse : My birthday falls on the 22nd of December. I have always wished to spend it with orphaned or abandoned kids. I'd be super happy to spend my birthday with them. That way, they get early Christmas presents from me. Oh, and can I wish for a baby, too? Please?
3 Startin' A New Life Too : Well...I just yearned to visit an elderly house and sponsor a Christmas party for the them. You see, it always breaks my heart when I see elder people who are homeless, who are sick or those that are less fortunate. I know, the simple Christmas party will somehow make them happy and think that they are loved.
Then I wish for a baby for my husband to be more happy....hehehe :)
Now lets see what Sheng, Odette, Bem's wish this Christmas 2008
So shall I sing..we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!!Yebah!
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