1 kilo fish fillet (any white meat fish will do)
A cup of pineapple chunk (set aside the syrup)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup vinegar
1-2 tbsp tomato sauce
cornstarch dissolve in water
red bell pepper cut in strips
salt and pepper
After having the stuffs you need, you'll just
1. Cut the fish fillet in serving pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Your choice, you can fry or grill the fillet. I grilled mine. Place in a serving plate and set aside
2. In low heat, dissolve the sugar in pinepple. Pour the vinegar and let it simmer. Add the tomato sauce.
3. Add the dissolve cornstarch. Continuously mix it until it thickens. Add the pineapple and bell pepper. Simmer for a while.
4. Pour over the cooked fish fillet.
Serve and enjoy :).
Then I made potato salad.

You just need :
4 lbs baby potato (boiled & peeled)
cup of mayo
1 tbsp of mustard
4 hard boiled eggs chopped
1/4 cup Pickles-chopped
lettuce cut in small pieces
salt & pepper to taste
1. This is easy, just mix the mayo & mustard.
2. Add sugar, salt and pepper according to your taste .
3. Then throw in the lettuce and eggs.
4.When everything is mix, pour the dressing over the potato.
5. Sprinkle with chopped bacon or with chopped celery.
So that how it's easy to prepare.
Hubz says it taste good.
We had a wonderful lunch and a good conversation over a cup of coffee. Though I only ate the salad, I can't hardly chew, my braces are newly adjusted. They said the food taste great and got a thumbs up from hubz and the in-laws...yehey!!!! So how was your weekend
Having a casual dinner with friends is always a great way to catch up and somehow recharge, and good food is a plus! I don't really know the reason, but we somehow get recharged after talking to friends.
might try the sweet and sour.. pwede din sya sa ibang fish di ba lilke fried tilapia, pero di na fillet?
may tag pala ako ulit
@ rico: Ah talaga. That's a nice way of recharging...
@ alpha: Yeah sis pwedeng pwede. I tried that too. sarap din :)
Thanks for the tag pla. gawin ko to promise :)
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