Father's day maybe over but the gift giving for this special day is still on.
Are you still thinking of giving him an iPod but find it a bit expensive. Why buy when you can win one. Charter recognizes the importance of all fathers in the world that they are offering a special deal for father's day.
You can actually get a gift card for up to $300 to Home Depot or other retailers when you sign up for one of Charter’s Best Bundles. No purchase is asked to join this contest! Enter now to win an iPod Touch.
Besides all these great perks, Charter is giving away 100 8gb iPod Touches to show off it's new mobile app for iPod, iPhone and Blackberry.
With this new mobile app that you can download for free, the world of Charter is literally at your fingertips. Charter's new mobile apps allow to us to check TV , view on demand trailers, access to news , sports and weather forecasts and On Demand listings too. And the great thing is Dads can get charter support and bill pay info too. Dads can get updates, fun extras, and facebook only deals on Charter’s Facebook page. What fun for all Dads with a Charter Mobile. So he wont be saying "Not another tie, for father's day!"
Do watch this video on this charter app here

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