Look what I found while browsing my files. Hubz first ever phone bought in 1997, a bulky motorola. The slimmer phone is the one he still uses...it's a nokia unit, It was a gift I gave him last Christmas 2007. Just look at that old motorola phone, it's so huge. I am just glad cellphones now are smaller and lighter. :)
I first had my cellphone in 2001. A bosch model. Too bad I wasnt able to keep it. It got lost by a friend. Before I had a cellphone, I first carried a beeper,some called it pager. Do you still remeber what a beeper is? Well if not....beeper are just text messages created without the genius of the QWERTY keypad. So you gotta call the operator of your provider to send messages. That time it was cool! hahaha.
Anyway, what's your communication and gadget evolution!
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