Free MacBook Air
It’s been a great dream to own a MacBook Air. Having it would really make me happy.
The only thing is it’s a bit expensive here in the Philippines, so I really need to save more for it.
But wait, there’s great news that I found over the World Wide Web, Ben Behrouzi is giving away a MacBook Air through twitter.
Dream comes true indeed. Who would not love a MacBook Air, it’s elegant, it’s sleek and it’s lightweight. A perfect notebook with easy portability and powerful graphics.
To join his contest is just one tweet away. I am not kidding. All it takes to be in is one tweet letting Ben know that you are interested to join his great giveaway. Just one tweet and that’s it. No more requirements needed.
I have a twitter account so I will definitely join.
So what are you waiting for, there’s still enough time to join. All entries must be in before March 31st 2009 and Ben will pick the winner by random. So why not tweet him now and may I suggest that you follow Ben on Twitter while you are at it, you will get updates on his activities and his great blog.

Big Apple,
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