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Cord Blood Awareness
Oreo Cheesecake
To make this cheesecake you'll need:
18 pcs oreo cookies (finely chopped)
8 pcs oreo cookies (coarsely chopped)
4 tablespoons butter, melted
8 ounce packages philly cream cheese
1 cups powedered sugar
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
2 tablespoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9 inch springform pan.
In a medium bowl, mix the finely chopped oreo cookies with melted butter. Press onto bottom of springform pan. In a mixer, beat cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Blend in sour cream, then mix in the eggs one at a time, Add the vanilla. Stir in the coarsely chopped oreo in the cream mixture.
Pour filling into prepared oreo crust. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. Cool to room temperature and chill in the refrigerator before removing pan.
Easy peasy....
I love eating this with coffee :)
Update and Learn the Cisco Way


FEBRUARY and be Merry - A birthday Tag
* 1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
* 2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
* 3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
* 4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
* 5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
* 6. Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want. Name: LeahBirthday: October 27Calculation: 2 + 7 = 9
1. A new car
2. I wan to own a coffee shop or bakesahop
3. A new house
4. Good Health for my parents, sibling & husband
5. I want an endless sponsorship of ipanema flipflops :)
6. A trip abroad with hubz
Now I got to find a shooting star tonight :)
Bloggers’ Birthday Directory:
February 20 - Caryl
February 15 - Jeanny
February 23 - Jammy
March 7 - Mari
March 29 - Rachel
May 3 - Vannie
May 8 - joanjoyce
May 27 – Zang Caesar
September 30 - Mckhoii
October 22 - MommyBa
December 18 - JoshuaOngYS
December 19 - Alpha
December 20 - Suzanne
March 29 - Rachel
March 18 Rowena
June 26 - Gina
Oct 27 - Leah
Now..I gotta find a shooting star :)
I am tagging Tin, Toni, Linnor, Pinky and Odette. Hope you can do this friends and thanks

So can you see the Tilapia? If not look closer lolz.
Craving for sweet and sour tilapia since yesterday. This weekend, I 'll try to cook this. Hubz likes eating fish dishes but sad to say, I only knew less than ten recipes. Because I do not eat fish that much. Hence, I only like tilapia, Milk fish, Mackarel scad (also know as galunggong), tuna, gindara to name a few. So you could just imagine how hubz misses eating paksiw or pinangat. But sometimes, I cook such dishes for him and open a can of sardines for me. So that settles. hahaha.
Oh well. I am just lucky that hubz doesn't complain about it. ;) Hmmm...are you like me or are you like hubz?Have a great day by the way!

Have you ever tried sipping the sweet nectar of the santan flower? As a kid, my sibling and I enjoyed it. I had one funny experience with the nectar sipping way back...well...one time I was about eight or nine years old, i sipped one flower then I suddelny feel that something bit my tongue...ouchhhh. Crap! there was a red ant. So you could just imagine how it feel. From then on, I never dare to sip that flower again. Hmp!
So I am off to some errands. Have a great weekend everyone!
Inspiring really!
Interesting Tag
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Nope,
Skipped school? Yes, during my college days.
Been on a plane? Yup.
Been lost? Uhhh...not really
Swam in the ocean? Yup.
Cried yourself to sleep? I think so. I really can't remember the exact detail but it was really a heart breaking situation.
Played cops and robbers? Yes, at arcades.
Played dolls? Yes but as a kid, I much like playing on the streets.
Recently colored with crayons? hmmm... with paints actually
Sang Karaoke? yeah..yeah....I love doing this.
Paid for a meal with coins only? Yup. Always hehehe. A serbedora in a canteen near our office always asked to pay coins which I get from our pc shop
Done something you said you wouldn't? Yeah. hahaha and It's a secret :)
Cheated on a test? Yup hahaha.
Made prank phone calls? Haven't done this
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Not yet...
Danced in the rain? Nope pa
Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes and as a child, my letter request were all
answered. Now that I'm older I realized my parent are the one who grant my wishes :)
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Y
es..with hubz
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Nope
Gone ice skating? Nope. Don't know how...
Been skinny dipping outdoors? Nope
Tattoos? None...just henna lang
Body piercings? Ears (2 each on both sides)
Vacation spot? Boracay, this time with hubby.
Eaten cookies for dinner? yup. Oreo with milk would be my ultimate cookie dinner
Ever been on TV? yes, some grade school activities
Ever been in a car accident? Nope and I dont want too.
Favorite number and why? 7... I love basketball in my gradeschool days and joworski s my faveorite player (not senator ha)
Favorite movie? harry potter, starwars to name some
Favorite holiday? It's been always Christmas. I love the spirit it brings
Favorite smells? Fresh laundry, my husband's nape, tropical greentea, freshly brewed coffee :)
What do you do to relax? surf, read blogs, magazine or books, play urbz
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Older by age, younger by heart and happier :)
Now am tagging Mel, Sheng, Mama Mee and May
Great Drive

Have a great day to all!