Something fish-y
Good Food
Dont be Busted
With the economical drift that is happening, being a mommy right now is becoming a little harder. I am not a mom yet but I have lots of mommy friends telling me that, one of them is Mei. She’s living in the US with his husband Tim and two kids. Her last email told me that she’s feeling busted because of the economy but like any other girls, Mei found shopping an ultimate stress reliever. Great thing, she found out that Sears is offering 75-80% off original prices on fall and winter apparel until April 18. Thus it would be a great help for her to save.
Now another thing that made her more excited, she recently joined a constest sponsored by Sears. The contest is open to anyone who is a legal U.S. resident, and is at least 18 years of age. This campaign was launched to help out moms all through the US in form of $25 gift cards just by following Sears on Twitter @bustedmoms. The main highlight of Sears’ campaign is the $2,500 Mommy Makeover Package giveaway. Visit Busted Moms at bustedmoms.com to enter the cool contest and become a fan on their FaceBook..
Even though we are in the middle of the economical crisis, we can still live the life that we used to have. So get up there and enjoy life!

Big Apple,
My Favorite Place
Life to the fullest
Talk Perfume
One thing great about being a woman is that we could wear all types of perfumes depending on the occasion and our moods. Perfume really fascinates me. My day is incomplete if I don’t spray some before I go out.
My everyday scent would always be mild perfumes such as fruity and flowery scent. But whenever I’m in an event, I wear perfumes that last longer. Well, I not only have one kind of perfume. I own a few that are mostly given by friends; they knew I’m a perfume addict.
Anyway, I found this great site Talk Perfume it has reviews of information about perfumes from all over the world it smells so nice.
Captured smiles

My niece left and sister right.
I took this photo last Friday. I was practising for my portrait assignment. This was not the photo I submitted for my photo workshop but I just like this shot a lot. Look at those lovely smiles. My personal favorite. You know why they are happy.....my niece turned a year older and my sister will soon get married!
I remembered, when my niece was still young, her mom was working abroad, so we took good care of her. She was so cute and cuddly as a baby. Now she's turning into a lady.
Whilst my sister, well....she's the masungit type but I love her for that hahaha. In a few months she'll have her own family and I think if time permits, they'll settle abroad, a bit sad but this is what I wanted for her. To have someone that will truly take care of her (ate mode!!!!)
Oh well...that's life is all about. Loving your family and enjoying every single moment with them while they are with you!
Summer fun
Vacation time!!!!
It's nice to go swimming. Have you gone swimming na ba? Enjoy the sand, the water, the sun....
Hovewer, we should be armed with these;
My favorite thing to bring during swimming
1. Moisturizing lotion. Aveeno lotion is a nice product :)
2. sunscreen spf50 (from the faceshop). I used this to combat the damaging UV ray.
3. my daily moisturizing cream from the faceshop. I love this product.
4. Vaseline sunblock spf 30. Sobrang mahal kasi yung ibang brand so I opted to buy this. This sunblock is so useful.
This what I usually bring whenever we go swimming.
Now if were going on a real vacation, actually the longest was always 3 days and 2 nights because hubz and I go to work (cannot afford to be absent on Mondays).
Upon planning, we check the budget of course. Then if financial side is okay, I proceed to the hotel/place reservation. If our car wont be possible, I'll check on what means of transpo we'll be using.
On the trip day, I usually bring a big bag. Clothes good for a week, hahahaha! Then I bring a small bag for my other things such as lotion, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and the likes. So you could imagine that I bring our house with us lolz.
Then I search the net on where to visit on that particular place that will be staying and of course, I wont forget my camera.
So I guess that's about it. Hope this will do. Red was a bit curious what necessary and uncessary things you bring on your trip or vacation and how do you plan your travel.
This is my take for his Tambayan on Tuesday carnival! Red I enjoyed this. :)
Random Thoughts
Free MacBook Air
It’s been a great dream to own a MacBook Air. Having it would really make me happy.
The only thing is it’s a bit expensive here in the Philippines, so I really need to save more for it.
But wait, there’s great news that I found over the World Wide Web, Ben Behrouzi is giving away a MacBook Air through twitter.
Dream comes true indeed. Who would not love a MacBook Air, it’s elegant, it’s sleek and it’s lightweight. A perfect notebook with easy portability and powerful graphics.
To join his contest is just one tweet away. I am not kidding. All it takes to be in is one tweet letting Ben know that you are interested to join his great giveaway. Just one tweet and that’s it. No more requirements needed.
I have a twitter account so I will definitely join.
So what are you waiting for, there’s still enough time to join. All entries must be in before March 31st 2009 and Ben will pick the winner by random. So why not tweet him now and may I suggest that you follow Ben on Twitter while you are at it, you will get updates on his activities and his great blog.

Big Apple,
Sweet and Sour Fish

1/2 kilo of white fleshed fish (used tilapia)
tsp. of minced chopped garlic
1-1/2 to 2 c. of cooking oil
1 bell pepper
few pieces of julienned ginger
1/2 cup julienned carrots
1 onion, cut into eighths (here I used 2)
1 tomato chopped
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 vinegar
1/2 cup water
tsp of cornstarch
Then you have to;
Make cut 2 to 3 slits on the flesh of both sides of the fish and sprinkle salt all over and set aside for few minutes.
Combine ketchup, vinegar, sugar, water, 1 tsp salt, and cornstarch in a bowl, set aside.
Fry fish in high heat until goldern brown on both side. Remove from heat and drain excess oil.
In a saucepan, saute onion then garlic, add the ginger. Then add the tomato. Followed by the carrots and bell pepper. Mix everything. When the vegtables are cook (dont overcook) stir in the sweet and sour sauce and bring to boil. Simmer for a minute or until it thickens. Turn off heat.
Pour over fried fish and serve!
The other day, the husband and I were wandering around the supermarket when I saw this familiar photo printed on a piece of foil package. I look closely...then I saw the English character saying...Kimchi Ramen. Yay, it's my favorite, just perfect! It may not be the fresh one but this will do. :)
A hour later, us at home;
I cannot let go of the idea of enjoying the ramen....so I followed my heart! :)
I read the back label or should I say, followed the picture for instruction.
As I interpret the photo It says.... boil water for some minutes, pop the noodle and stir. Simmer. Remove from heat then add the seasoning. Mix mix mix. Place noodles into bowl . Grab a chopstick and enjoyed! See I can read korean instructions. :) Well...I put more water though! hahaha
It's good compared to some other instant noodles. :)
Then the next day, after the workshop, asked hubz to have a dinner near our place. There was this restaurant that I thought was japanese but was a korean restaurant...woooohhh!
and this was the real thing!
It made me a happy being again! :)
You think we just had Kimchi ramyun....no way, bitin yan. Here's the rest of the food we had

I cannot let go of the idea of enjoying the ramen....so I followed my heart! :)
I read the back label or should I say, followed the picture for instruction.

Then the next day, after the workshop, asked hubz to have a dinner near our place. There was this restaurant that I thought was japanese but was a korean restaurant...woooohhh!
and this was the real thing!

You think we just had Kimchi ramyun....no way, bitin yan. Here's the rest of the food we had
Movie Friday

Photo swipe here
Last Wednesday, we learned that Alimall Cineplex opened last 13 February 2009, after a thorough renovation. The new Ali Mall Cineplex looks like a smaller version of Gateway Cineplex. Since it’s newly opened we expect a more cozy movie theater thus making us decided to see Watchmen the following Friday. So that Friday evening… we’re indeed right, inside the cinema was great. Sure seats, cozy compared to the old one. The clean restroom located inside the cinema and most of all the popcorn was great (love the parmesan and garlic flavor). Anyway, on to our Watchmen experience. I haven’t read the graphic novel yet therefore I cannot really compare though I can tell, the almost two and a half hour movie was incredible, it was fantastic. It was bloody,it was brutal, and lots of nudity but it all contributed in making the film worthy. I was amazed at each character. All the actors did a splendid job in making each character unique on it's own. The awesome cast includes; Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan (he’s the blue naked guy), Matthew Goode as Ozymandias (genius partly evil superhero), Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian (the bastard superhero), Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl (the nerdy looking guy),Carla Gugino as Sally Jupiter (the retired superhero), Malin Akerman as Silk Spectra II (Dr. Manhattan and Night Owl's lady love) and Jackie Earle Haley as Rorscharch. His acting blew me away. He delivers a very memorable character. I keep on eying on him on this film as I find him very mysterious.
I have read some reviews and they said, the film was the graphic novel itself. :) Anyway, I don’t want to go on further. If you’ll ask what the movie made me think right now. Well… I wanted to start reading the novel soon. :)
Energized Seller
Does your pet have the factor that will entice a prospective home buyer to get that deal in your own hand? Or maybe you just want to earn $500 instantly? So easy, simply join the funny pet pictures contest by Energized Seller!
You just need to sign up on Energized Seller and post the picture of your own pet or someone else's pet in the funny pet pictures contest thread and have a chance to win $500. Great deal huh? Now, while you wait for the contest result ,you might want to check out the 101 Home Selling and Staging Tips.This is definitely beneficial if you are into house or property selling business. IT would be a great help to increase the chances of selling more properties.
Oh by the way, I joined this photo. It's cute funny monkey from my friends place. He owns it and treat it not only a pet but like a little brother. Actually that monkey is not only cute but he also knew many antics that really crack me up! Ain’t he cute.
Interested? Do check out their site-Energized Seller and I am so sure, after reading everything, you’ll want your pet to be in that contest.

Big Apple