Enjoying Life and the goodness it' offers..Life really Rocks!!!
Double Yolk Eggs
I found this odd eggs at the supermarket for 45php (half dozen). When hubz cooked it, I was a bit hesitant to eat it, was thinking that the oddity will somehow affect it's natural taste as like the Vitamin Enriched eggs we bought a month ago.
I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.
A cheesy line from the movie city of Angels.
You think it will captivate your heart ?
Most often, Hollywood pick-up lines are used by some people to initiate flirting and with hopes that these will work in real life. Now, want to try it's effectivity? Why not join and play the Ultimate Flirting Championship sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5 Try testing these classic lines and know if they really work. I am sure this would be a fun game and a great online flirting experience.
Then get a chopstick and enjoy :)
By the way, hubz had another serving, this time, we place a freshly cracked egg at the center before pouring the hot sukiyaki sauce. Oishii :) Another thing if you want an authentic Beef Sukiyaki recipe, you could get that here
{Start Copy Here}
1. Don't remove the credits when you post the image
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don't change this link)and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
5. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
Hahaha...I did a lot of tags today. Those were overdue tags that I promised to do. I have few more left. I'll be doing them these coming days. So watch out for it :)
Now, let me update you a bit about my colorful life (as if). Aside from the glorious long weekend that many of us will enjoy, I am excited to bake more yummy goodies. Hubz bought an oven. He knew I've longing to have this. Though we have a microwave with bake function, I much prefer a bigger oven. This means, more more cupcakes and cheesecakes recipe to post. :)
While half my heart rejoices...half of it was not. My BFF at work bid her goodbye yesterday. I've cried bucket when I heard the news the other week. But I need to be mature to face this situation. Thinking of the great opportunity awaits her made me realize that I am not losing her. She will always be there. So last night, the team had a little drinking session party, hahaha. Just have a few shots of tequila, singing once in a while and some good laughs made us all happy. The husband and I left much earlier because he was sleepy na and on our way home, I sent a text message to her saying
It's not goodbye yet, it's see you later...
As I pressed the send button, tears just rolled over. My heart cried in sadness, in silence. After working with her for 5 years, I will surely miss her. So while she is her at Pinas, visiting her will lessen the missing her part
Okay...enough of my doldrums...Lets all enjoy the weekend :) See yah later!
I also used their non sticky lipgloss, again from The Face Shop. :) Well that's about it. I just make my self simple everyday. The last time I had my total make-up was 5 years ago...That was my wedding hehehe! I am passing this to Dyanie, Toni & Rachel. I wanted to know what this pretty young ladies uses. So enjoy! :)
You Would Make an Okay 1930's Wife |
![]() A 1930's man may find you passable, but you probably wouldn't want anything to do with him. |
Tagged by Alpha. Thanks for this sis.
As of this moment, while doing this meme, I am doing tons of laundry. Tiring it is but hey I love the scent of fresh laundry so it's a bit rewarding after I finish everything.
This meme is pretty simple.Here are the rules:
1.) List down the household chores you hate and why. Do you think you can survive without helpers and nannies?
2.) Copy the image.
3.) Tag as many girlfriends you want, the daddies and hubbies can also join.
4.) Add your blog’s link in the domesticated divas linky love. You can add all your blogs.
5.) Leave ME a comment and I’ll add you up in the masterlist.
DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Living the Healthy Life /Sripe&Yellow /Vanity Kit /Mind Bubbles /Something Purple /Em’s Detour /Me,Myself+2 /Kidd Designs /FunFierceFabulous /Ozzy’s Mom /Insights from the Grocer /Living A’ La Mode God’s Best Gift/ MommyAllehs Up-Close And My Precious Niche /Just Me.. Eds/ Eds Mommy Life/ Mommy Talks/ Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps /All Kinds of Me Stuff /The Salad Caper /Winding Creek Circle /InkBabyStudios /My Happy Place /Iam Dzoi /Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy /Me and Mine/ Little Peanut /Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod/ Sugarmagnolias /Notable Bistro/ Around the World /All Things Me /Because Life Is Fun/ Feels Like Home /Startin' A New Life /Startin' A New Life Too /YOUR BLOG HERE
~~~END COPY~~~
My List:Actually, I am lucky because my mom lives at the next door, so during weekdays, she just clean our mess in the morning. We only have a small house, so it's easier for her to clean stuffs. During weekend, I do the cooking. I love cooking and baking but I hate cleaning my mess, hahaha. I hate cleaning the bathroom so my hubby do that. I love do the laundry if and only if, there's a washing machine. I tried washing clothes, the small one only with my own hands and it so difficult hahaha.
Hmmm...I guess thats about it, the rest of the housechores are the one I really love doing. :)
Now, I am tagging ever loving mom sheng, new found blog friend karen, Food Lover Ayen & cooking diva in the making Odette
organic eggs
We went home with half dozen of Vitamin E Enriched and half dozen Selenium Enriched eggs. Bought them a bit pricey than the conventional produced eggs. The seller, gave leaflets about the health benefits of eating this kind. So maybe thats the reason why this eggs are a bit pricey :)
Anyway, one Saturday morning, I used 3 organic eggs for breakfast and noticed that the yolks are golden and pretty. The seller was right. But when it was cook, it has an odd taste that I didn't like at all. Guess, I'm not used with it's taste. So hubz just finish the whole serving. From there, I concluded (base on own opinion), the eggs won't be good for scramble purposes. Husband then suggested boiled eggs instead.
Few days from that I tried the boiling and yeah he was right,the odd taste was not that obvious, so that fine Sunday morning, he alone had organic boiled eggs for breakfast. :)
Hence, it's really hard to be a health buff...sigh!
Sidenotes: I tried organic pasta and sunflower mayo, it taste different and it's pricey too. It took me days to finish the cooked pasta and months before I emptied the mayo bottle.
Have you tried organic food. What's the experience, did you like it?
Have a healthy Friday!
I am a coffee lover. Having coffee gives me the relaxation I need while I sit and read my favorite book. The only thing I hate, is brewing extra cups that I cannot consume in one sitting. In the end, the extra coffee goes to waste. You see, making a single cup is not that easy, the ideal measure of the coffee grind depends on its variety. So based on my experience when brewing, I always end up having an extra cup in my pot and a messy kitchen.
Good thing my friend from the US went home with this marvelous Keurig K-Cup coffee. Keurig K-cup coffee allows us to brew a single cup of coffee with the ideal measure of grind coffee of the variety that we choose. Keurig K-Cup coffee is distributed online by AlpineValleyCoffee . Alpine offer a great deal on K-cups on all its major brands such as Timothy’s Coffee, Emeril’s Coffee and Gloria Jeans and others. They also have great discounts to those who will buy 8 or more 22 count packs or more. It made me drool. On my friend's next visit, I’ll ask her to bring home more for me.
If you’re a coffee lover like me, go check their site, who knows you might want to order online.
One commonly known disease experience by people over 65 is Alzheimer's. It is also the 6th leading cause of death in the US. One commonly recognized symptom is the impaired memory and thinking which to some, believed that it is normal to those who are under stress. As the disease progress more and more symptoms shows which makes it hard for the person to work or take part in day-to-day life.
Alzheimer's treatment and Alzheimer's care go hand in hand. There's no cure yet. But there are things that can be done to slow the progression of the disease. A team joined hand in hand to support the millions of people who are affected with this disease. Alzheimer's Memory Walk is one of the largest Movements for a cause to raise the awareness and funds for Alzheimer support. The Move needs volunteers and it would surely be of help if you’ll be one of those volunteers. So if you’re from the US, join the team and be fulfilled in helping.
It would really make a big difference, together we could make that difference. Let's walk now.
The rules are simple... 1. Answer this question--WHAT CHEAP SNACK WOULD YOU BUY FOR TWENTY BUCKS?So here is my thrilling-twenty snack :)
2. Take a pic of it and post it on your blog.
2. Link back to Maver's site.
3. Give Maver a shoutout so that she can include your thrilling-twenty in the round-up.
The object is to complete each of the following snippets. I have included the blank ones at the end of this post so they can easily be copied and pasted
I am: so lucky to have a loving husband and family
I think: everyday is a special day to celebrate so be happy
I know: I have so many things to do in life
I have: many blessings which I should be thankful
I wish: all my wishes comes true :)
I hate: people who hates me
I miss: my college friends who are now living out of the country
I fear: many things but wanted to be positive about it
I hear: water splashing from the bathroom.
I smell: fresh laundry, love it!
I crave: for pancakes, later this morning I'll prepare it for breakfast
I search: for this necklace which was missing since the other day
I wonder: what will I be ten years from now
I regret: nothing at all.
I love: the smell of the newly bake bread...yumm
I ache: when I am not getting enough sleep
I am not: good in managing my finances harhar
I believe: things can be learn through patience
I dance: a lot and
I sing: too
I cry: when I am hurting
I fight: for my rights as an employee.
I win: no raffles yet talking of bad luck here
I lose: weight, about 38 lbs to be exact
I never: go out without my cellphone. It comes in very handy.
I always: make myself busy when I am bored
I confuse: myself when giving road directions, I'd rather sketch directions
I listen: to rock music while I am working
I can usually be found: in front of the pc when I'm home
I am scared: of bad things that might happen to me or my family
I need: more space for my books
I am happy about: my new dslr camera
I imagine: of having my own bakeshop
I tag: Alpha, Cez, Maver, Blue Rose, Odette
Yes....I'm done...whooooooh!!!
Oh, and here are the blanks: I am: